Souki Co., Ltd. | Shizuoka Prefecture | Low pressure wind power
Investment in renewable energy for the next generation
Japan's first
Low pressure 49.5kw wind power generationis a solid investment
令和4年、風力発電に於いては、今年度より売電価格が1kwh/16円となっております。弊社は、イタリア社製の低圧風力発電49.5kwの経済産業省設備IDを14物件取得しております。また、最新鋭のロータ直径28mタワー長30m、49.5kwのイタリア製風力発電機も新たに加わりました。年平均風速7m/s迄で、300,000kwhを発電する最新ハイスペックモデルです。価格は、4300万円想定利回りと20年間収支は、SRS-V50シミュレーションを御覧下さい。今や、陸上風力発電は、日本に於ける高圧線の上位系統(送電線の空き容量)や、変電所の空き容量が無い場合が多く、また 、地域住民への低周波問題、風況が良いが、近くに高圧線が無い等様々に考慮し、何処にでもある一般の電柱で電力会社との系統連系が容易な低圧50kw未満の49.5kw風力発電に特化し推進しております。想定利回り(物件の風況による)FIT価格16円で11%以上を維持するため、イタリアの風車メーカー直接買い付けにより発電機の価格を抑え、自社による土木・電気工事を行う事で安価な投資で高額な売電額を可能と致しました。現在、経済産業省設備IDの取得物件はFIT価格19円2件・FIT価格18円12件・昨年度FIT価格17円9件、本年度FIT価格16円9件、中部電力パワーグリッド:申請中。尚、低圧風力発電設備IDの事業者様方にお願い致します。※青森県各市・秋田県各市・静岡県牧之原市、御前崎市に経産省設備IDを取得しても設備前の物件をお持ちでしたらご一報下さい。
Product Summary
blade 28m
Tower length 30m
Annual average wind speed 6.3m/s≒310,000kwh
Access to Nacelle
Inside the tower with skylight window
Induction generator + gearbox
Designed to maintain 34RPM/900 gearbox rotations from rotor speed cut-in to cutout. Rated output 49.5kw
Improved 100kw wind power generator for Japan
100kw wind generator used as private power generator
(For details, please see the overview of the wind power generator.)
The age of low-pressure wind power generators is coming
The amount of power generated by wind power increases in proportion to the square of the radius of the windmill and the cube of the wind speed. It is calculated that if the radius is doubled, the amount of power generated is quadrupled. On the other hand, there are many places where large wind turbines cannot be installed. In particular, Japan is characterized by a narrow land area, steep terrain such as remote islands and mountainous areas, and a harsh natural environment such as typhoons, strong winds, and lightning strikes. In Japan, suitable sites for large-scale wind power generators on land, such as long roads for transporting blades, unloading ports, and maintenance for natural disasters, are limited. On the other hand, small wind power generators (less than 50kw) have the advantage of being able to be installed in places where large wind power generators and weather conditions (rainfall, snow, etc.) make installation difficult for solar power generation. Even if the scale is 50 kW or less, if it is installed in many places such as residential areas, farming villages, and mountainous areas, it will become a large source of energy and lead to environmental measures. In addition, unlike large-scale wind power generators, wind power generators of less than 50kw do not generate low-frequency noise. Therefore, the potential market for small wind turbines is considered to be very large. : Excerpt from NEDO
About us
Souki Co., Ltd. has been working on the wind power generation business in Shizuoka City for a long time. Due to the favorable conditions, we will propose one of the best environments even in Shizuoka City, which has many facilities. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in wind power generation related to the creation of new energy, not just for investment purposes.
Omaezaki City and Makinohara City, Shizuoka
Omaezaki City and Makinohara City are blessed with the fruits of the mountains and seas and have many power plants.In addition, both citiesWith the best solar radiation and wind conditions, it is suitable for Japan's leading solar power generation and wind power plants, making it an excellent city for storing electricity.
Support 01
Continuous measurement of wind speed by drone
The strength of our wind power generation is that the same 16-direction anemometer used by the Japan Weather Association is installed on a large drone, and the ground wind speed is 0.2 to 0.5m/s at each site, which is close to no wind. We always measure the wind speed at 30m above the situation so that investors can purchase with confidence in the assumed yield that we present.
Support 02
high-probability simulation
As with the 30m tower length of the wind power generator, we hovered for a certain period of time at 30m above the sky and measured the wind speed of 360 degrees. Our company performs simulations based on the Weibull coefficient K/C and altitude data of the Japan Weather Association, but we always use a large drone with an anemometer similar to the one used by the Japan Weather Association at an altitude of 30m. Mounted on and measured. We are doing highly accurate simulations. (Except when it rains or is windy)
Support 03
Wind speed measurement that can be seen in the video
This is a video measured by a large drone equipped with an anemometer, altimeter, and GPS. If the wind force on the ground is weak, we always measure the wind speed in the sky with a pinpoint point on the north latitude east longitude.
Anemometer spec
wind direction
Measuring range: 0~360° Resolution: 1° Accuracy: ±4°RMS
compass accuracy
wind speed
Measuring range 0 to 75m/s Resolution 0.1m/s
0.3m/s (0~16m/s) ±2% (16~40m/s ±4% (40~75m/s)
RS422, RS485, UART (10Hz)
Power-supply voltage
6 to 30 VDC (current consumption: 30 mA)
Operating environment
Temperature -20 to 70°C Humidity 0 to 100% Altitude: 0 to 4000m
drone specs
We have completely redesigned Freefly Systems' large-scale drones, which are often used in aerial filming, and have improved them into fully custom-designed drones that are compatible with anemometers.The flight controller is a DJI N3.The altimeter is made by Futaba and is kept at 30m.